Create Your Ad

By placing your ad on the ExpressClassifiedsTT website, you agree that all information provided is truthful and accurate. Providing any untruthful or inaccurate information constitutes to a breach of this Agreement (this includes and not limited to the incorrect use of punctuation marks when wording your sentences) and may result in the cancellation of your ad, and/or a deducted penalty fee for services provided to you. This penalty fee will be based on the number of words contained in your ad and will comprise of two (2) processing fees; the fee for the placement of your ad and the fee for the reimbursement of your funds. By confirming payment after your ad is scheduled, you agree to accept and pay for the placement of your ad on the ExpressClassifiedsTT website. You are thereby strongly advised to carefully review your ad before confirming your payment.

Please also be reminded that your contact information must be included as part of your ad.

Prior to accepting your ad, we may request additional information from you. If any changes to your existing ad are required, this will be at an additional cost that must be charged to your credit card before the new ad can be finalized. Please note that if your ad has been cancelled, we will contact you via telephone or email to advise accordingly.

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